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Reviews of Better Living For Seniors

12 Reviews Write a review

Assisted Living Reviews for Better Living For Seniors

September 29, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mom is staying in Better Living For Seniors. She's staying in the house there. I've been very pleased with the three young ladies and a gentleman that take care of my mom. I have nothing but good news. I really appreciated them. Where she was at before, I don't like it, and my mom used to call me all the time. However, since she'd been in there, I haven't had any phone calls. I would give them a lot of good credits. They give an excellent service. Activity-wise, I don't see many. She has her own room, her own television and her own bedroom. I understand there's not that much activity because of the pandemic. The things they said they used to have, they just don't have it no more, but that's fine. As long as I'm able to come and see my mom and interact with her, that's all that matters to me. I appreciate what they do. If she wants to go outside, she can. She is able to walk around with her walker, and she can walk around the house if she feels up to it. The person who owns the place did some renovations, and what I'm seeing, it's looking really good. They have a nice seating area, so that's good. For the most part, my mom has nothing to say about the food. I reiterate to them as far as what she can and she cannot eat. The food must not be bad at all because she never really complained about it too much. I really appreciate what they do. They make my days and nights a lot easier. If I can refer somebody, I will refer them there. The food has been good. What I'm paying for, at first I thought it was kind of steep, but for what the services and what I'm seeing, I'm not complaining. I feel good about it.

September 29, 2021

By Ken

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Every time I went to Better Living For Seniors, everything was clean. They seemed to be very, very attentive to my mother when I communicated with them on the phone. They were good with communicating with my mother. When I talked to the nurses and doctor who had come to see my mother, especially when she had gone on to hospice care, they're a little bit more attentive with contacting me and telling me how things are going. The nurses and doctors said that the caregivers were very attentive to my mother and understood how she wanted things and were patient with her and that sort of thing. That was my understanding as well, but it was good to have someone who's in the medical industry there and saying the same thing. I know that my mom was a very particular person, who wanted things a certain way, and she also had a lot of health issues, so there was a lot of care that needed to be done, and for that reason, it was very difficult for members of her family to do the things she would get embarrassed if we took her out and she had an accident and we had to clean her, and that sort of thing. So she needed that type of care in a facility where she could have people that knew what they were doing and not family members kind of take care of things for her. That was the difficulty, but that's kind of the best way it worked out for her and for us. Also being on the other side of the country, it's just impossible to take care of her from a distance. I've been there several times. I was impressed with the caregivers. It was a nice facility, new and well run. They were in the process of doing some renovations, which means that the upkeep is important to them. When I was in the facility, I never heard any yelling, and I never heard any people freaking out or anything like that, which I had heard at other facilities that my mother had been in. It seemed like it was a very well-run, very professional and very caring place. You always want a little more communication, but they were by far (as far as communication, as far as professionalism, and as far as cleanliness) beyond the other five places that I had visited my mother in elsewhere. I wish we had found them sooner. I can't attest to everything that goes on, but what I saw was good. It was excellent. My mother was a very strong-willed person and wanted things a certain way, and we contacted back and forth and I felt it was a very good collaboration. They were by far the most collaborative place that we've dealt with as far as asking us for things, and then us trying to help them and them trying to help us. She was in several different places, and this by far was the best as far as her end-of-life coverage. I can't imagine having gone through a process like that at some of the other places. We went through everything with the different caregivers out there. To some extent in comparison, Better Living for Seniors is off the scale so much better than any other place we've dealt with. Even from the standards of what I would consider reasonable levels of professionalism, they surpassed the skilled nursing facilities and rehab places that she had gone through for times when she had a hip problem and some other things. I think that they did an excellent job. If you put me up on a court of law and ask me to swear on the Bible, I cannot tell everything that happened there 24/7, but everything I saw was very well done and very excellent. My only issue was that my mother's health declined rapidly when she was there, and I was freaking out trying to figure out whether there was a medication issue. In the end, it came down to the fact that it must have just been her health just had a rapid deterioration. I tried to go through everything I could with the hospice people, and I tried to do everything I could with the people that were caring for her. That was a bit of a red herring, it was difficult for me to assess things because I was so freaked out by how quickly her health had deteriorated, but they were very professional, they were caring for her the whole time, and to my eye, it looked like it was by far the best place that we'd ever had. As far as trying to get in touch with people at work or getting in touch with other businesses, they were far more responsive than other places. Given the difficulty of the time with the pandemic going and having a very high risk population, everything I saw was well handled and excellent. They got the vaccines to them very, very quickly, which was also very helpful. My mother actually was infected with Coronavirus after receiving the vaccine. She had health issues. Her regular respiratory levels were compromised under normal circumstances, but the doctor kept a good eye on her and there was no sign of the COVID creating problems. She got infected with Coronavirus, but she didn't manifest the COVID symptoms, so that was amazing to me. They were very, very good about taking her back into the facility once it was declared that she shouldn't be contagious anymore. They were very professional and very excellent the entire time. I thought that was going to be a major problem, and they handled it very professionally and they were able to handle it. As far as I know, they didn't have any issues with Covid, which attests to them being very, very careful. The food smelled good and looked good. From what I could tell, the food was well done there. It will never quite be up to the status of a New Yorker, but as far as I know, my mother didn't complain about the food there and so she was good with the food. The food is a really, really tough one with a very demanding food crowd when you deal with retired New Yorkers, but I think she was good with the food. I think they're doing an excellent job, and I know that they were able to get her food that she liked and a couple of times where I had ordered things and got them to her. The caregivers helped my mother with a bunch of things, and they would take her outside. She talked to the other residents there. In general, we had a lot of difficulties getting her to participate in activities. She had kind of shrugged a lot of these things off. I think after my father passed away, in some ways nothing wowed her. We had a lot of difficulties getting her to participate in those sorts of things, but certainly I requested that she go outside and then at some point she was complaining, 'They never take me out of the bed,' and so I asked them to start sending me pictures. They started sending me pictures every day when she was outside, and she's still saying, 'Oh, I'm never out of bed, I'm never out of bed,' and I'm like, 'I see you in the pictures that were dated from today. You were definitely outside,' and then she was complaining that they were taking her pictures too often, and so it was one of those things. She definitely likes to stir the pot from time to time. The level of professionalism was very high there. As far as of them making sure that she got outside, she was taking the transit bus on her own to do various things, and I'm sure that they helped her make sure that she got on the bus OK, but then my mother would somehow manage to get things done from there. At some point, they had to stop her from doing this because it was a pandemic, and so they were being responsible. That was kind of one of her activities that got taken away, but for totally reasonable reasons, both for her health and the health of the caregivers and the health of the other residents. I would say that they did as much as they could for the activities. My mother's charges were high, but her demands were also high, and given that they matched the price of the place that she was in and had just unparalleled, much, much better service, much better cleanliness, much better food from what I could tell, I would have to say that that no other place was willing to lower the price. Most places wanted a higher price, and it was quite clear that most places couldn't give the care that she needed, and so I would say that the quality to price ratio was excellent. Again, it was on the high side, but she needed a lot of help, and I would say it was well worth it. They far surpassed matching the fees, and for what she was able to get as far as care, just the order of magnitude is ten times better care. I would absolutely recommend them to other people. My mother was in a very, very difficult situation as far as her health, which deteriorated while she was there, and they were very good at giving her whatever care she needed, just very optimistic and helpful and caring. It wasn't like, 'Oh, this is a job.' They were very focused, and they cared a lot. We had experience with a lot of places, and this was by far the best, and I don't say that lightly. My argument was that I wish all places were run as well. They were very, very good, and when you compare them to the other places, they were like completely a whole different level, just almost no comparison at how much they were as far as caring.

September 05, 2021

By Judy L.

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mom was in Better Living For Seniors. She passed away last week. I only wish that I had had my mom in there sooner than she was. They gave incredible care in her last journey in this world. They made my mom happy, and my mom had been very unhappy where she was previously. They genuinely cared for my mom. I was just so impressed with the amount of love, support and care that they gave to my mom that it has made me make this review. They're an incredible organization. I highly recommend them, and I couldn't be more grateful to these people than what I am. Johnna was absolutely incredible. As far as the food, they made everything homemade. Nothing was institutionalized. The food was made by the staff. As far as my mom's activities, they did as much as she could do within her physical restrictions. It was a home environment. It was once a Jack and Jill room, and it was set up very comfortably for my mom. I highly recommend Better Living For Seniors for someone who needs care. It's a loving environment.

August 31, 2021

By Rudy S.

I visited this facility

I began investigating my options for the care of my mother back in March 2021. I was the primary caretaker, but she had advanced beyond my ability to care for her properly. I toured several big facilities and spoke to several people in the industry and had learned about residential group homes. Previously, I had not known that these types of places existed. For my family, this option was a perfect fit, they were smaller and felt like a "home" which my mother would appreciate. I toured a couple of other homes and then found Better Living For Seniors. We took a tour with the staff and got to know them, and I was able to spend time with them and ask questions about their qualifications and experience. They were absolutely well-qualified, energetic, and personable. The head caregiver (sorry I forget her name) was so helpful and informative. My wife liked her right away and felt very comfortable with her and all the caregivers. A little later the owner, Alan, showed up and we spent about 45 minutes with him, and he answered our questions and addressed our concerns. Also, he educated us on the industry, the pros and cons of each option that was available to us. This was extremely helpful. We knew this home was the right one, but Better Living for Seniors was full at the time and did not have a room for my mother. We had some time and decided to just wait and go on their waiting list. Alan felt there might be an opening very soon. At the time, the home was going through some renovations and as expected, was a little disjointed, but you could see it was going to be stunning when it was finished. Unfortunately, my mother passed away before we got a chance to move in, but I would highly recommend that you check out this home as the staff and owner are very good and you won't be disappointed.

March 16, 2021

By LauraP and GeorgeP

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Our Mom has been left with many challenges after surviving a devastating stroke. My sister is a hospice nurse and suggested placing her in a group home where she would receive more personalized care and attention to her specific needs, versus a larger nursing care facility. When it was time for our Mom to be discharged from rehab, we quickly considered all our options for her. Only after visiting Better Living for Seniors and meeting the owner, Allyn, and two of his staff members, did we begin to have good feelings about the future well-being of our Mom. During our visit, they were courteous and took the time to review the practices/processes of the home and we observed a clean, bright, and inviting environment that felt safe and secure. With only 6 max. residents, the home is able to practice social distancing during these challenging times, yet still allow the residents to be together. We are fortunate to have found Better Living for Seniors and genuinely happy to call this group home our Mom's new home! Since our Mom has been a resident of BLFS, the high quality of respect and personal care she receives is outstanding and they provide her great comfort during the tough life-changes she has to endure. The caregivers work diligently and have built a close relationship with her and our entire family. We are all grateful to each member of the BLFS team for their compassion, loving personalities and complete dedication to our Mom. She has already grown fond of her entire care team, not to mention their home-cooked meals! A special shout-out to Jhona, Mom's lead caregiver, she has most definitely become Mom's 5th daughter and we have no doubts that Mom will show more progress over time. As Better Living for Seniors continues to fulfill their commitment to Mom and our entire family, we certainly, without hesitation and with much confidence, would recommend Better Living for Seniors. Everyone at BLFS has been wonderful in every way and our family has been less stressed and more reassured of our decision to place Mom's care in their hands. Much praise and gratitude to BLFS for going beyond our expectations, may God bless you all!

March 06, 2021


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother moved to Better Living for Seniors. It's a group home with six residents. She's getting great care there from what I can tell. She's bedbound, so they're trying to do the things that need to happen for a stroke victim, which is to get her out of her bed and then to a chair. They're caring for her properly. She's got home health right now working with her speech, so they manage all of that with my mom's home health company. There are two caregivers during the day for the six residents, which is the reason why I chose this place. The residents are a small group of people versus a larger home. I'm absolutely happy with them. They have a caregiver that works with Mom, and her name is Jonah. All of them are from the Philippines. Jonah speaks very clearly to my mom, and she speaks good English. With the other two caregivers there's a little bit of a barrier with their English and with their accents, but they're giving my mom the right care and they love her. My mom became really fond of Jonah. I periodically bring in a few of her favorite foods. I'll make something for her that she knows is from me, and they allow that, which is nice. She's not really on any special diet, so she eats when she's hungry and she has a way to communicate that if she doesn't want any more. She's not losing any weight, so she's eating good. She has a nice room. The residents have one master bedroom, and there's a wall between the space. My mom is up against the further end to the room, and it's actually quite nice because she can look outside and see the backyard. Everything is secured and locked properly with alarms on it. I chose that room for my mom so that she could actually see out, and she has a roommate. There was only that one room that was available to my mom, and I would've chosen that anyways if all of them were available because I wanted her to have the ability to look outside. It's very clean. I know that Allan, the owner of the group home, was in the middle of doing a little bit of renovation on the home, and then COVID hit. He had to stop the renovation, so there are a few things that need to be repaired that they had to stop. They keep my mom clean, and the meals are all home-cooked. They're giving her a good balanced diet. Some of the vegetables are frozen, but she's getting nutrients from what they're preparing. It's not junk. They arrange for somebody to come in and cut her hair too. I haven't seen any activities, but my mom's caregivers are actually going in and singing with her and doing sorts of things. They're giving her attention and that's diverting her from being bedbound. It's kind of a shock how expensive it is, but my mom has 24/7 care. Another reason why we chose this home is because Allan, the owner, is applying in March for Medicaid status. My mom is gonna be running out of funds very shortly, so if this can become a Medicaid facility then my mom won't have to move, and that is important to us as well.

February 22, 2021

By Linda K.

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother has been a resident of Better Living For Seniors for at least three years now, and I can't even imagine a better group of caregivers. The owner seems to be very particular about who he hires and has no qualms about getting rid of people that are not loving, not caring or know what they're doing, so I'm very, very thankful for that. Also they have arranged for them to have their Covid shots, and they're getting their second ones this week or next week. I love talking to the caregivers, too. They're always very forthcoming with information, very friendly, and very loving towards my mother. I know it's not an easy job, so my sister and I are very pleased. My mother's room is very spacious. She got her pictures and whatever she needs. We haven't been able to go there for a year because of the pandemic, but the last time we were there, everything was wonderful. She is very happy with the food, and they try to give her what she likes. They tell me what they make her, and it sounds good. She is going to be 98 this year, and I think they have just done wonders with her. Their staff is fabulous. They try not to let them watch too much news because it is not good, but they keep them busy and entertained. Before the pandemic, they had dog therapy and music therapy, and they had volunteers come in to talk to them and play games with them, but now, they can't because they're very careful about who goes in and out. The facility is very lovely, very cheerful, very clean, and very nice. They're always cleaning from what I remember, and I'd say it's a good value, too.

February 22, 2021

By Andrea S

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mom lives in Better Living For Seniors for close to three years now, and it's fantastic. I just can't even say enough about them. It's really hard for us because she is in Las Vegas and I'm here in California, but I can't think about moving her here because she gets very good care there, and the house is very well run. The staff is great, and they even let us do FaceTime so we can see her and she can see us. I'm just very grateful for the care that she gets there. She is 97 years old, she doesn't walk anymore, and she's in a wheelchair. I haven't been there for almost a year now because of Covid, but they used to have dog therapy, music therapy, and they had a pastor come in for spiritual discussions. I don't think they're letting extra people in now, but I think once Covid clears up, and hopefully it will, that they will get back to that. My mom's room is very nice, the place is very clean, and the staff is very attentive, very loving, and they don't act like I bother them when I call every morning. If there's something unusual that happens with my mom, like sometimes she'll call out for her mother or my dad who has been gone for awhile, they will always tell me, and they seem to be able to talk her down from that, so they're very caring, too. My mom is satisfied with the food. When it was her birthday last year, and a couple of other people in the house also had a June birthday, they did a Zoom call so that the families could participate in a little celebration, so I thought that was really nice. At some point, they asked for people to not visit because of Covid, so they keep a pretty tight ship, and I appreciate that very much, too. It's a beautiful facility. They have done some remodeling, they changed up the flooring and they painted it, so it looked very nice and very clean. Compared to other places, it's very competitively priced.

December 14, 2020

By Tom

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My father had passed away, but he was at Better Living For Seniors. It was an exceptional facility. He was there for approximately 10 months. The current staff is outstanding. Nobody is permitted to do anything, they're practically all lockdown. Before most of the folks that were living there were in a hospice program, so there were lots of activities. There was music. My dad was in the military, so someone from the service came in and spoke with him. There were lots of things. The folks that were running the facility kept them very active. They had a regular menu there. My dad was a pretty picky eater, but he didn't seem to starve there. He was actually doing pretty well. He had a private room, he had cable television, and he had a private bathroom. There were areas where the seniors could go and watch television, listen to music or just be together. My wife, all my brothers and my sisters who came to visit thought it was an excellent place for my dad. They always got fresh meals; I didn't see a lot of frozen meals. They spent a lot of time together as a senior group. It was originally a residential home and when my Dad went there, they were in the process of painting and rehabbing the facility because the owner had just recently purchased it.

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Memory Care Reviews for Better Living For Seniors

September 10, 2021


I am/was a resident of this facility

I am a friend of the Resident and also the Attorney-In-Fact for the Resident. I moved her into Better Living For Seniors in the middle of 2019 and she has lived there now for over 2 years. The home is perfect, and the staff is amazing! Unfortunately, with the CoVID pandemic, I have been unable to visit her and the home as often as I would like, but the staff during this time has been extremely good in communicating with me on a regular basis and keeping me up to date with her well-being. They set up Facetime sessions as well as texting me photos of her. I know that the owner has been trying to update the home during this time, but it has been slow due to the pandemic and, recently, I drove by the home, and it looks fantastic. Overall, this has been a great choice for my friend, she loves her room, the food, and most importantly the staff. Can't say enough about this home.

August 20, 2021

By Gordon B.

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My sister needed 24/7 care, so I started touring several care facilities around Las Vegas. From a referral, I called and spoke to the owner, Allyn, and he suggested his first facility which was closer to where I was living. This first home was very impressive located in a gated community in the SW of town, but I still wanted to see Better Living For Seniors. As soon as I walked in I new this was the one. The staff was friendly and outgoing. Jhona, the head caregiver, is magnificent. It just had a very good vibe to the house. The staff took me on a tour of the home and showed me the private room for rent. It was painted a two-toned lavender color, which just happens to be my sister's favorite color. The room was large (180sf) and lined with a white chair railing around the room. The room was bright, well lit, and had a big window facing the front yard and the room included a wall-mounted TV, closet, and ceiling fan. Perfect! At the time, the home was being remodeled with new tile flooring, freshly painted interior and exterior, it was a bit hectic for a while. My sister loved the room, the caregivers, and the home. Even being a 45-minute drive from my home to Better Living was well worth it. The food, the care, the atmosphere was top notch. The caregivers were very accommodating to the wants and needs of my sister. Unfortunately, after several months my health started to deteriorate, and I need to move my sister to a place closer to me. It was with much regret that I had to move my sister out of Better Living For Seniors as she did not like the new place nearly as much.

June 24, 2020


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My wife has been in Better Living For Seniors for three-and-a-half years now. It is good. Her room is fine and it is a private room. There is a new owner. He has changed the staff and the third group of staff is there now. This is the only problem I have with them. There is no continuity of caretakers. The individuals are fine, but they're changed all the time. I have only been there for a few minutes since the restriction in visiting, so I don't really know the new staff people, but the staff that were there before were very good. The food seemed to be fine, too.

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Questions about Better Living For Seniors

What ongoing training does the staff receive in dementia care?

BLFS is licensed by the State of Nevada as a Category 2 Facility for Group Homes and is licensed for 6 beds. Our home is endorsed for Chronic Illness and Dementia/Alzheimer's (Memory Care). Our staff is highly trained and has continuous and annual Memory Care classes to brush up on new methods and techniques to assist in caring for our residents.

Describe the overall population of assisted living residents at Better Living For Seniors. What is their average age? What are their favorite things to do?

BLFS is a charming Residential Group Home located within a quiet, secure neighborhood, within the Majestic Park located in the northwest corner of Las Vegas just north of Summerlin, with a maximum of 6 residents. The population of the home varies from year to year along with the average age. The typical resident population consists of varying degrees of medical conditions, from dementia, Alzheimer's, chronic illness, and residents with disabilities to those who just need 24/7 care. The average age can range from 75-81 years old and, of course, the resident's activities are based on their individual abilities, but most residents like to sing, dance, play games, and arts & crafts.

What programs or activities does Better Living For Seniors offer to enrich residents' well-being?

Each resident's activities/programs are based on their personal physical and mental abilities. We have mental games to help with those who are suffering from memory conditions. We have modified exercise programs for those who have the mobility to participate. BLFS has a volunteer program who invite volunteers into the home, and they work with the residents and spend time with them.

What places are near Better Living For Seniors or within walking distance for assisted living residents to enjoy?

The acuity level of most residents living in BLFS, does not allow the residents to venture out on their own. Family members and guests are more than welcome to check out the residents and take them out for excursions.

What transportation services does Better Living For Seniors offer to assisted living residents?

BLFS does not offer any transportation services.

What makes the chef or dining program at Better Living For Seniors exceptional? What kind of menu can assisted living residents expect?

Since BLFS consists of a small population of only 6 residents, this allows the meal plans to be catered to individual requests. It is constantly changing with new ideas. The residents will have three (3) balanced meals per day plus snacks and refreshment in between mealtimes.

What safety features or security measures does Better Living For Seniors offer to assisted living residents?

The home is installed with a high-tech fire sprinkler system, as well as a fire alarm system which is connected directly to the fire department. The inside area of the front door is roped off and an alarm is set to go off if anyone steps into that area. In addition, all the doors and windows are alarmed and set off if ever opened. Every visitor is checked in and out of the home.

How does Better Living For Seniors keep residents' families informed about their loved ones?

First, the home is open 24/7 for any family member to stop by at any time, unannounced, and visit with their loved one or just to check up on the quality of care they are receiving. Many of the residents have cell phones and are in constant contact with their family and friends, with phone conversations as well as Facetime. The home has a main telephone line which residents and families are encouraged to use. Plus, we are in the process of installing a weekly email update program that will be emailed to the families with a description of the weekly events along with a current photo of the resident.

What is the care staff-to-resident ratio at Better Living For Seniors during daytime and nighttime hours?

We have 3 Residents to 1 Caregiver during the daytime shift and 6 Residents to 1 Caregiver during the nighttime shift.

If Better Living For Seniors accepts dogs or cats, what indoor/outdoor areas can they enjoy?

Our home, currently, does not accept pets. However, a small, emotional support animal (ESA) could be considered.

What ongoing senior care training does the staff receive?

Since our home is endorsed for Memory Care, the staff at BLFS are highly trained. Each caregiver is certified in the following: CPR and First Aid, Abuse & Neglect, Elderly Care, and of course Dementia/Alzheimer's (Memory Care) Training. BLFS caregivers have an initial 16 hours of Medication Management Training plus every year they must have an additional 8 hours of training. In addition, many of our caregivers have extra training in other fields like Mental Health.

How many staffers are on duty in the daytime and overnight?

Our home is licensed for 6 residents. We always have two (2) caregivers on staff during the day and one (1) caregiver during the night 24/7.

What safety features or security measures does Better Living For Seniors provide to protect residents who wander?

The front door is roped off with an alarm sensor in between the roped area and the front door. If a resident steps into this area, a loud alarm will sound letting caregivers know that someone is close to the front door. In addition, all the doors and windows are alarmed and if any are opened a loud alarm will be set off. The backyard is entirely fenced in with all gates having locks.

What programs or activities does Better Living For Seniors offer to keep residents engaged? How does the staff engage residents' long-term memories?

Understanding that each resident is unique in their abilities to participate in activities. The resident's activities/programs are based on their personal physical and mental abilities. We have mental games to help with those who are suffering from memory conditions. We have modified exercise programs for those who have the mobility to participate. BLFS has a volunteer program who invite volunteers into the home, and they work with the residents and spend time with them.

Who assesses residents' health and cognitive functioning? How often is that assessment repeated?

The staff assesses health and cognitive functioning daily and if they feel it is needed, they will arrange for the resident's medical provider to assess the resident's functioning.

What techniques does Better Living For Seniors use to support memory care residents during mealtimes?

It starts with knowing the resident's needs, abilities, and preferences. It tends to be experimental at first but gradually the caregivers get to know each resident's abilities and their likes and dislikes. The meal plan is slightly catered to the different resident's needs.

How does Better Living For Seniors keep residents' families informed about their loved ones' health?

First, the home is open 24/7 for any family member to stop by at any time, unannounced, and visit with their loved one or just to check up on the quality of care they are receiving. Many of the residents have cell phones and are in constant contact with their family and friends, with phone conversations as well as Facetime. The home has a main telephone line which residents and families are encouraged to use. Plus, we are in the process of installing a weekly email update program that will be emailed to the families with a description of the weekly events along with a current photo of the resident.

Describe the neighborhood around Better Living For Seniors. Is it located in a residential neighborhood, a business district, a rural setting, or other type of locale?

BLFS is a charming Residential Group Home located within a quiet, secure neighborhood, within the Majestic Park located in the northwest corner of Las Vegas just north of Summerlin, with a maximum of 6 residents. Our beautiful home comes with everything a family needs to feel safe, cared for, and comfortable.

Is Better Living For Seniors affiliated with a hospital if more care is needed?

BLFS is not affiliated with any hospital. The resident and resident's family can choose the hospital of their choice if medical care is needed.

Photos of Better Living For Seniors

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Services and Amenities of Better Living For Seniors


  • All Inclusive Rent
  • Fee Structure Extra: Refundable Security Deposit

Room and housing options

  • Housing Extra: Single Story Home, Private Rooms, Semi Private Rooms

Dining options

  • Dining Room Shared Meals
  • Room Service For Meals


  • Tv Room
  • Garden And Patio

Health services

  • Nurse On Staff: No


  • Music
  • Games
  • Stories
  • Arts And Crafts
  • Activities Extra: Singing, Karaoke, Non Denominational Religious Services


  • Resident Capacity: 6
  • Respite Care
  • Pets: No Pets Allowed

Range of services

  • Range Of Services Extra: Memory Care (Dementia/Alzheimer's), Chronic Illness, Terminal Illness, Disabled, Respite Stay


  • Licenses: 10025-AGC-0
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About Better Living For Seniors


The first reason to choose Better Living is … we provide a high-standard and high-level of care to our Residents.

We are licensed and endorsed to the highest level of care a Residential Group Home can have in the State of Nevada. We can care for and retain our Residents who have very diverse health conditions. This is very important as you do not have to worry about having to move your loved one to another facility if their health deteriorates. We can care for almost any health condition up to the point the Resident would need 24-hour skilled nursing care. With a couple of exceptions, we can care for Residents who suffer from a multitude of health conditions and here are just a few:

  • Chronic Illnesses such as Memory Care (Dementia/Alzheimer's), Parkinson's, Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, COPD, Stroke, Obesity, Osteoporosis
  • Terminal Illnesses such as Cancer, Lung Disease, ALS, Liver Disease
  • Physical Disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Stroke

The second reason is we make this process an easy transition for you and your loved one.

Choosing a home to move your loved one into is a very stressful and trying process. We understand this is an emotional undertaking and we sympathize with this very difficult choice. Therefore, if we are fortunate enough to be your choice, then our goal is to make this transition as easy as possible, we will assist you through the entire process of paperwork, medical testing, room and equipment set-up, and finally transporting your loved one to their new home.

And finally, the third and most important reason is OUR ambitions are the same as YOURS.

At Better Living, we want your loved one to feel …


  • 1. The Home is Located in a Safe Neighborhood
  • 2. 24/7 Supervision and Care
  • 3. Third-Party Examiners and Overseers


  • 1. We Provide a High-Level of Non-Medical Caregiving Services
  • 2. We Provide a High-Standard of Care (Caregivers are well trained and certified)


  • 1. Comforts of Home
  • 2. Personal Decoration Encouraged

What Makes Us Special


Better Living provides a High-Level of Non-Medical Caregiving Services.

We can and do provide the best caregiving services possible. Whatever the level of care you need, Better Living can probably provide it.

Better Living is a Nevada State Licensed Residential Facility for Groups:

  • Endorsed for Dementia/Alzheimer's (Memory Care)
  • Endorsed for Chronic Illnesses and Debilitating Diseases
  • Licensed for Category II – 6 Beds (Alzheimer's)
  • We are not a Medicaid approved Home at this time

Better Living provides a High-Standard of Care.

We have developed a staff that is committed, certified, and highly-trained in the following:

  • Medicine Management
  • Dementia and Alzheimer's
  • Chronic Illnesses and Debilitating Diseases
  • Caring for Elderly or Disabled Persons
  • Recognizing Elderly Abuse and Neglect
  • First/Aid and CPR

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