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C C Management Solutions Pty Ltd

                   Company Profile web store



Company name

Friday Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Registration No


Date of incorporation

19 September 2002

Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (SIC) Code

Major division Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services


Major group : Other business activities


Group : Legal, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public-opinion research; business and management consultancy


Sub-group : Business and management consultancy activities


Size of business


Total full-time employees


Total annual turn-over

R 4,500,000

Total gross value of assets

R 30,000


G Roode

(SA Id No 64030*******3)

Registered Office

E-mail: gouws

Registered Postal Address

P O Box 12859

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)


Standard Bank, Brandwag

Account No. 041225***

Zastron Street 164

9301 Bloemfontein

Tel: (27)(51) 404-3900

Fax: (27)(51) 404-3929

Income Tax Reference Number


PAYE Registration Number


Skills Development Levy


Unemployment Insurance Fund


Value-Added Tax Reference Number



Consolidated Monetary Services (Pty) Ltd
Moores Rowland House
Park Road
Bloemfontein, 9301

Tel: (27)(51)447-4055

Fax: (27)(51)430-0409


Metric Auditing Services, Inc



Friday Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd is a private company with a share capital incorporated in terms of South African law. All the share-owners in the company are directors and employees of Friday. The directors equally share the burden of managing our business.

Friday is a micro-enterprise in terms of South Africa's National Small Enterprise Act 1996.

Friday is the only management consulting service provider specialising in virtually all fields of local government activity that has its head office in central South Africa. We have offices in Bloemfontein. We are fast becoming the service provider of choice for many public institutions, based on our commitment to, and reputation for, quality and delivering on time, every time.

Friday is offering an expanding number and variety of services through its website.


Friday is committed to the economic advancement of historically disadvantaged individuals. The Department of Trade and Industry's generic scorecard for black economic empowerment provides for the following categories of empowerment, namely –

® Direct empowerment:

¡ Ownership

¡ Management control

® Indirect empowerment:

¡ Preferential procurement

¡ Enterprise development

® Human resources:

¡ Skills development

¡ Employment equity

® Residual (Corporate social responsibility)

Friday scores as follows in terms of the scorecard:

Direct empowerment

Direct empowerment deals with ownership of equity and management control.

Ownership of equity

It is our goal to transform Friday over the medium to long term in a Black owned enterprise. Friday is working hand-in-hand with its bank and other service providers to achieve the goal of becoming a black-owned enterprise. We are currently in delicate negotiation with two Black individuals who may acquire shares in Friday.

Management control

The management burden in the company is shared equally among all three directors.

Indirect empowerment

According to the scorecard indirect empowerment deals with preferential procurement, i.e. procuring goods and services from black empowered and black owned businesses and enterprise development, i.e. investment made in black enterprises.

Preferential procurement

The bulk of the goods, materials and services that we buy relate to the supply, maintenance and repair of computer equipment and consumables. Our computer service provider is Systems Design 2000+, a private company owned and managed by Rafique Jaffer, a Black male.

Joint ventures

We have to date worked successfully in joint ventures with the following enterprises:

« Makana Investments Free State (Pty) Ltd, which business is owned exclusively by Blacks;

« L K John Consulting cc, which business is owned exclusively by a Black woman;

« Stabilis Development (Pty) Ltd, which business is owned exclusively by Blacks;

« Sabalala Consulting (Pty) Ltd, which business is owned exclusively by Blacks;

« Khanya-mrc cc (as it was then), a black empowered business;

« Systems Design 2000+, a private company owned and managed by Rafique Jaffer, a Black male; and

« Ithuteng Consultancy cc, which business is owned and managed exclusively by a Black person.

We also utilise our computer services provider when we need to investigate disciplinary cases involving the recovery of data from electronic storage facilities.

Enterprise development

We are agents for Kula Enterprises, a business unit of the DTI. In this regard we develop business plans for prospective entrepreneurs in order to obtain financing from Kula.

In addition we have assisted our computer services provider in developing his accounting, billing, costing and tariff determination skills.

Human resources development and employment equity

The directors of, and share-owners in, Friday are our only personnel. Friday is not a designated employer in terms of employment equity legislation.

Residual/ corporate social responsibility

We are currently considering a corporate social responsibility policy for the company. However, even before we have a policy in this regard we have already spent money on corporate social responsibility projects:

We have co-sponsored a visit by a group of Black youths residing in Rouxville to Goedemoed Prison to engage with inmates regarding life in prison. The visit was a part of the youth development programme that has been initiated by the local community.

One of our consultants have conducted a workshop for educators of schools in the Kai !Garib municipality regarding changes in the education environment and the impact thereof on education generally and educators specifically. The aim of the workshop was to increase the coping skills of the educators.

We have also sponsored the purchase of a 1 000 bricks for building extensions to a pre-primary school in Keimoes, Northern Cape.


Friday offers access to a variety of specialists with diverse skills, knowledge and experience. The diversity of the skills and expertise available within and to Friday is an essential quality that distinguishes us from other service providers and enables us to provide needs-based solutions.

Our business focus is on supplying institutional hardware mainly to municipalities and public institutions supporting municipalities in order to improve their performance and the legitimacy of their actions.

Friday is dedicated to finding answers and solutions. Our expertise ranges from high level policy and strategic development, to support of routine general management functions, to human and financial resources management, to improvement of business processes. Whilst we do not pretend that we all the answers we work collaboratively with our clients to find answers to their questions and solutions to the challenges they face.

Our mission is to provide needs-based strategic and routine level services to assist, support and enable public sector institutions to manage their institutions and human and financial resources better by employing the latest available information technology, modern approaches and fresh thinking.

We are a diverse and dedicated team . Friday offers a team whose collective experience in the public sector and local government in the Republic of South Africa amounts to more than twelve decades. Friday 's specialists were, and still are, at the forefront of local government transformation in South Africa. Our expertise varies from legal matters, human resources and financial management to general corporate management, strategic management and change management. We learn continuously, adapt and develop new approaches and find fresh solutions for public sector institutions.

Our directors' learning habits and passion ensure that we have our finger on the pulse of the public sector environment generally and specifically the local government environment. It enables us to keep our customers up to date of the latest developments and information.Consequently customers save time and other resources on research and inventing the wheel all over again.

We are a pool of virtually unlimited knowledge - applying and conveying knowledge gained and learned to support, improve and enhance the capacity of customers. With our high level of practical experience, skills and expertise Friday allows customers to perform optimally and dedicate their attention to their core business. Municipalities in the Republic of South Africa employ more than a quarter of a million employees and raise and spend more than R2 billion annually. Efficient management of these resources is crucial. Friday supports and complements the existing capacity within municipalities and other institutions to ensure that resources are properly managed and that systems are fully integrated and optimally utilised.


Friday offers customers the following services and assistance –

Institutional development

· Developing municipal public participation policy, systems, mechanisms and processes

· Establishing and implementing local integrity systems to combat corruption

· Designing and installing complaints and petitions procedures for municipalities

· Designing and implementing customer relations management systems

· Developing policies and procedures to assist national, provincial and local government with issues related to the decentralisation of national and provincial functions to local government

· Training of municipal councillors and managers, including the development of learning material

· Developing and reviewing committee and decision-making systems

· Developing delegation systems

· Developing monitoring and reporting systems

· Monitoring compliance with legal duties and obligations

· Clarifying roles and responsibilities of, and relationships between, political structures, political office-bearers and municipalities' administrations

Organisational design and development

è Facilitating organisation design and redesign processes

è Developing and reviewing duty sheets and job specifications (job profiling)

è Developing work standards for individual jobs

è Business process mapping and re-engineering

General management

« Facilitating strategic planning processes and implementation support using a unique and customer-friendly methodology and approach

« Facilitating annual business planning processes at institutional and departmental level

« Facilitating other decision-making processes

« Legal services, including reviewing of existing and drafting of new laws and by-laws, contract writing and review, implementation plans and strategies for implementing new legislation and legal briefs on new legislation affecting local government

« Developing performance management systems, including employee performance management systems and the monitoring and support of performance management processes

« Investigating alternative service-delivery mechanisms

Human resources management

ü Human resources policy integration, development/redevelopment and review

ü Policy implementation support

ü Development of work place rules

ü Employee attitude, grievance and satisfaction surveys

ü Designing participatory management systems

ü Developing human resources management procedures

ü Supporting implementation of collective agreements

ü Developing systems for monitoring compliance with labour legislation

ü Drafting employment contracts for top management and other employees

ü Drafting performance agreements for top management and other employees

ü Assisting with performance appraisal of managers

ü Developing and implementing employee performance management systems and performance reward and recognition guidelines

ü Development of forms for routine activities

ü Employment equity planning

ü Skills development planning

ü Assisting with the recruitment and selection of managers

ü Disciplinary investigations, investigation of alleged poor work performance and assistance with retrenchment

Financial management

ð Corporate financial governance

ü Developing codes of good practice for regulating the businesses of audit committees, performance audit committees, procurement/bid committees and remuneration committees

ü Developing codes of good practice for financial management, including financial reporting

ü Defining roles and responsibilities of, and relationships between, internal and external stakeholders in the municipal financial management process

ü Developing of internal audit charters

ð Financial decision-making

û Developing policies regarding municipal financial management and accounting, including policies relating to credit control and debt collection, indigent support, tariffs, property rating, supply chain management, budgeting, expenditure control and budget management, investments and capitalisation of assets

û Developing financial plans and medium term budgets, linked to integrated development plans

û Setting of corporate and management level performance objectives and targets for financial management

ð Standard operating procedures

Developing and supporting the implementation of procedure manuals, incorporating standards of performance and control measures

ð Budgeting

· Preparing budget timetables

· Integrating municipalities' programmes of other activities and the budget timetable

· Preparing internal budget circulars and budget instructions for distribution to departments and other organisational units

· Preparing draft sub operating expenditure budgets, e.g. salary budget, general expenses, contributions to funds, provisions and reserves

· Preparing capital budgets

· Integrating proposed capital and operating expenditure budgets

· Preparing statements regarding the impact of proposed integrated expenditure budgets on revenue and tariffs

· Collecting relevant statistical data for determining changes in tariffs

· Preparing integrated revenue and expenditure estimates

· Discussing proposed integrated budgets with managers and affecting changes where applicable

· Preparing narrative reports and graphic presentations on proposed budgets for submission to relevant portfolio committee(s) and for conducting public participation processes

ð Financial reporting

· Assisting with the preparation of reports required in terms of legislation and good practice

· Compiling financial statements (in accordance with current or GAMAP/GRAP requirements) and full set of supporting documents

· Updating and closing general ledgers

· Preparing trial balances

· Year end bank reconciliations

· Closing of suspense accounts

· Reconciling grants received

· Addressing prior year audit queries regarding the financial statements

· Closing of sub-ledgers, including assets registers (according to GAMAP/GRAP standards), external and internal loan registers, investment registers, stores and acquisitions, leave registers, funds registers, bank reconciliations, updating and reconciliation of debtors control accounts and deposit registers

ð Cash flow management

· Compiling of cash flow projections

· Cash flow management

· Cash flow monitoring

· Reporting on cash flow

ð Financial management support

§ Replying to external audit queries

§ Implementing external audit recommendations and instructions

§ Preparing and following-up subsidy claims

§ Support for risk management

ð Skills development

Communications and information technology

· Information technology audits

· Development of strategic information and communications technology systems plans

· Design and implementation of websites


Friday realises that municipal councillors and managers in local government and provincial and state departments are under constant and tremendous pressure to deliver results and more and better services to the people in the areas they govern and administer. Lack of infrastructure, capacity and time are some of local government's greatest constraints. Friday assists them to realise their vision through –

Needs-based solutions

One of the fundamental principles on which Friday is built, is its refusal to sell the same product to all its customers. Friday's customers' precise needs determine the scope of the services offered and the work done. Before commencement of any work Friday and the customer agree upon the deliverables in detail and determine the success indicators. Products and services are then designed to meet these mutually agreed upon needs.

Customer focus and satisfaction

Friday does not hand a project over and leave the client site before a customer is satisfied with the results. We want to retain customers – therefore our customers' satisfaction is our highest priority. Friday believes that there are fundamental differences between the private and the public sector. This influence the solutions offered. By focussing almost exclusively on the local government sector, Friday is able to apply the considerable knowledge, skills and experience gained in this sector to customers' advantage.

People empowerment

Many institutions tend to shy away from external service providers because it is potentially disempowering. We believe that engaging external service providers can and should be empowering. Friday ensures that relevant skills and capacities are transferred to employees, thereby enabling them to perform their work. Our approach promotes ownership of solutions.

Long term relationships

Friday is focused on establishing long term relationships with customers thereby ensuring continuity and seamless integration of various processes, systems and policies.

Problem-solving process design

Often solutions are offered to institutions that are not ready to accept them. Friday believes that ownership of solutions is often far more important than the solution itself. Solutions to problems experienced, are sought, evaluated and put together piece by piece. Therefore the search for the right solution is a journey undertaken by the customer with Friday as the tour guide.

Honesty and integrity

Friday does not lie to its customers. We are not afraid to tell the truth. We believe in conducting our business openly and honestly. We do not give kickbacks to obtain work. We do not inflate prices to make kickbacks. We are not interested in doing business with anybody who solicits kickbacks or other rewards for awarding an assignment to Friday .

Quality management

Friday 's quality management system ensures that a multi-disciplinary approach is followed during the design and production proposal documents and the execution of assignments. Our customers can rest assured that our solutions address all relevant aspects in question.

Cost of services

Friday uses the latest information technology to assist and support municipalities in managing their human and financial resources.

Friday 's unique structure and operational procedures ensure that our basic cost of conducting business is amongst the lowest in the industry. Our specialists maintain virtual offices; hence there is no need for expansive and expensive offices. The directors of Friday manage the business with the support of a variety of professional service providers. This ensures low corporate overhead costs that translate into pricing advantages and lower cost to the customer, without compromising quality of service. Pricing of services and products are determined taking into account the customer's budgetary constraints and using activity-based costing techniques to ensure accuracy.


Friday developed delegation systems for, and reviewed the delegation systems of, the following municipalities:

û Motheo (Free State)

û Gert Sibande (Mpumalanga)

û Kai !Garib (Northern Cape)

û Setsoto (Free State)

û Lejweleputswa (Free State)

û Matjhabeng (Free State)

û Moqhaka (Free State)

û Maluti-a-Phofung (Free State)

û Xhariep (Free State)

û Gariep (Eastern Cape)

û Tswelopele (Free State)

û Matlosana City (North West)

Our consultants facilitated strategic planning sessions and prepared strategic plans for the following municipalities:

ð Gariep (Eastern Cape)

ð Motheo (Free State)

ð Xhariep (Free State)

ð Maluti-a-Phofung (Free State)

ð Naledi (Free State)

ð Setsoto (Free State)

ð Mohokare (Free State)

ð Sedibeng DM (Gauteng)

Fezile Dabi district municipality (Free State) and Maluti-a-Phofung local municipality (Free State) engaged Friday to prepare draft annual performance agreements for its municipal manager and the managers who are directly accountable to the municipal manager for the previous and current financial years.

Friday also developed learning material and facilitated learning sessions on a variety of topics for several municipalities:



Target group

//Khara Hais Municipality

§   Presiding at disciplinary hearings

§ Investigating and prosecuting alleged misconduct

Top and middle management

Ugu Municipality

§ Presiding at disciplinary hearings

§ Investigating and prosecuting alleged misconduct

Top and middle management of the district and local municipalities

SALGA, KwaZulu-Natal

§ Linking corporate performance indicators to individual performance indicators

Municipal Managers in KwaZulu-Natal

Free State Provincial Legislature

§ Policy-making

§ Speech-writing and effective public speaking

Members and personnel of the Legislature

Gert Sibande Municipality

§ Selected topics in the Municipal Finance Management Act

Councillors and managers of the Municipality and local municipalities in the district

Matjhabeng Municipality

§ Municipal Property Rates Act

Councillors, management and ward committee members

Amajuba Municipality

§ Auditing performance results

Performance audit committee members of Amajuba, Utrecht, Dannhauser and Newcastle

SALGA, KwaZulu-Natal

§ Managing discipline in the workplace

Municipal Managers in KwaZulu-Natal

Together with Ithuteng Consultancy, Friday has been contracted by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry to develop water services bylaws for eight municipalities in the Free State. The project also involves the alignment of the relevant municipalities' water services bylaws to their tariff, debt collection and credit control and free basic services policies.

Our consultants have developed and reviewed the organisational arrangements of a number of municipalities, including –

« Sisonke district municipality (KwaZulu-Natal)

« Motheo district municipality (Free State)

« Amajuba district municipality (KwaZulu-Natal)

« O R Tambo district municipality (Eastern Cape)

« Ntabankulu local municipality (Eastern Cape)

« Quakeni local municipality (Eastern Cape)

« Mantsopa local municipality (Free State)

« Naledi local municipality (Free State)

Friday has recently completed two assignments relating to municipalities' financial management systems. Kai !Garib local municipality (Northern Cape) engaged Friday to investigate the state of key financial management systems and some basic administrative systems. In Amajuba district municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) Friday investigated whether some political office-bearers, political structures and the Municipal Manager may have incurred fruitless and wasteful, unauthorised and/or irregular expenditure.

Blue Crane Route local municipality (Eastern Cape) appointed Friday to facilitate a workshop for councillors, management and staff members assigned to the Finance Department on financial management policies.

Setsoto local municipality (Free State) engaged Friday to facilitate a workshop of councillors and management on the roles and responsibilities of the Municipality's political structures and political office-bearers and the Municipal Manager and prepared a report there-on.

Friday has completed three institutional projects for Kai !Garib local municipality (Northern Cape) funded by the Municipal Systems Improvement Grant (MSIG). The projects dealt with the review and revitalisation of the Municipality's performance management system, the review and enhancement of the Municipality's reporting system and the development of a communication strategy for the Municipality.

Friday reviewed the credit control and debt collection policy and practices of Govan Mbeki local municipality (Mpumalanga). The project entailed the assessment of the Municipality's credit control policy, procedures and practices, rewriting the policy as well as the writing of bylaws for the administration of the policy. Friday also developed policies on the use of municipal vehicles and equipment (loss control), borrowing and raising debt, cash management, payment of creditors, banking and cash receipts, donations and grants-in-aid and risk management for Fezile Dabi district municipality (Free State).

Friday reviewed the integrated development plan for Kopanong local municipality (Free State) for 2006/07 and 2007/08.

Thembisile local municipality (Mpumalanga) has engaged Friday to conduct a situation analysis of its financial management and accounting systems and processes. Friday has completed the initial assignment and has subsequently been engaged to develop a procedure manual for the financial services department of the municipality, to document the municipality's internal controls and to develop selected financial management policies for the municipality.

Under sub-contract for Deloitte Friday completed a feasibility study regarding the proposed outsourcing of meter reading and disconnection services for Msunduzi local municipality (KwaZulu-Natal).

Friday completed an assignment for Maletswai local municipality (Eastern Cape) involving the development of financial management policies for the municipality to assist it in complying with the prescripts of both the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 as well as Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) and Generally Accepted Municipal Accounting Practice (GAMAP). In the course of assignment Friday 's consultants developed policies on a wide range of issues including asset management, risk management, payment of creditors, debt and borrowing, investments and the prescribed budget-related policies, i.e. a tariff policy, credit control and debt collection policy and a rates policy.

Tswelopele local municipality (Free State) engaged Friday to prepare an information manual for the Municipality in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000.

Friday is currently developing a "Municipal Good Governance Model" for municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal on behalf of the Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal (Department of Traditional Affairs and Local Government). The assignment involved the development of a conceptual municipal good governance model and preparation of a good governance manual based on the conceptual model.

Gert Sibande District Municipality (Mpumalanga) has granted a request of Govan Mbeki Local Municipality to supply financial support services to the latter in terms of section 88 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 1988. The agreement involves the district municipality supplying a temporary chief financial officer and two senior accountants to the local municipality for a period of six months. The personnel that Gert Sibande will supply shall be tasked with stabilising the financial management and accounting systems and processes of Govan Mbeki and facilitating the entry of a new chief financial officer for the municipality. Gert Sibande has engaged Friday to supply the relevant personnel for the period July to December 2005.

Ilembe District Municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) engaged Friday to conduct an assessment in terms of section 78 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act to determine whether the municipality should provide fire fighting services through an internal or an external mechanism. The municipality is in terms of the MEC of Local Government and Traditional Affairs' adjustment of powers and functions in terms of section 85 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 1998 responsible for the performance of the fire fighting function in the local municipalities of Ndwedwe, Maphumulo and eNdondakusuka.

Our consultants have prepared employment equity plans and employment equity reports for the following municipalities –

§ Setsoto (Free State)

§ Mantsopa (Free State)

§ Tswelopele (Free State)

§ Moqhaka (Free State)

§ Maletswai (Eastern Cape)

§ SiyaThemba (Northern Cape)

§ Midvaal (Gauteng)

§ Heidelberg (Gauteng)

§ Mafube (Free State)

§ Mohokare (Free State)

§ Tsantsabane (Northern Cape)

§ Maluti-a-Phofung (Free State)

§ Emthanjeni (Northern Cape)

§ Thabo Mofutsanyana (Free State)

§ Kopanong (Free State)

§ § Moqhaka (Free State)

Lejweleputswa District Municipality (Free State) appointed Friday to perform an audit and assessment of the municipality's current policies. After the assessment was completed Friday developed a communication policy, a supply chain management policy, a delegation policy, human resources management policies and financial management policies for the municipality.

Friday has been appointed to develop learning materials, learner workbooks, a trainer's manual and visual aids for the training of ward committee members within the Gert Sibande District Municipality (Mpumalanga). The contract also required Friday to train the trainers selected by the municipality to roll out the training programme.

Friday completed financial management policies for Pixley Ka Seme Local Municipality (Mpumalanga). The specific policies deal with credit control, debt collection and indigent support, cash management and investment, tariffs and rates.

Uthukela District Municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) appointed Friday as its transformation management team. We have assisted the municipality to transform its structure, business processes and policies according to its assigned powers and functions. The transformation management team completed and presented the situation analysis report, which was accepted by all the role-players. Subsequent to the situation analysis a turn-around strategy was developed which was presented to, and accepted by, the municipality.

Friday prepared draft standard bylaw on stray animals for the Free State for the Department of Agriculture. The need for the project was identified during discussions between the MEC of Agriculture, organised agriculture and municipalities.

One of our consultants recently completed, as part of a research project of the Human Sciences Research Council's "Research Programme on Human Resources Development", a position paper on the Current State of Skills Development in Local Government.

Friday has completed the development of a supply chain management policy for Matjhabeng Local Municipality (Free State). We have also reviewed the municipality's Rules and Orders in view of the requirements of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 and the municipality's experiences with its current Rules and Orders. In terms of the service delivery contract Friday prepared commentary on the organisational structure of the municipality and its management remuneration policy. We have also written draft annual performance agreements for managers directly accountable to the Municipal Manager.

Our consultants completed the development of human resources management policies for Kai !Garib Local Municipality (Northern Cape). We have also facilitated a work session between officials of the Municipality and Mangaung local municipality regarding human resources management issues.

uMsekeli Municipal Support Services appointed Friday to assist Abaqulusi Local Municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) to complete and submit its financial statements for the 2003/04 financial year. The project has been completed on time and within budget. Friday has again been appointed to close the accounting records of the Municipality on 30 June 2005 and to compile the financial statements for the Municipality for 2004/05. The project was completed on time and within budget.

One of Friday 's consultants has rewritten and updated the learning material for Module 1 (Budgeting) of the national Councillor Development Programme.

Amajuba District Municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) is, from 1 July 2003, the water services authority and water services provider for the whole of its area, excluding the local municipal area of Newcastle. As part of the succession of the other local municipalities in the area, Friday has been awarded the contract to update and rectify the accounting records of Dannhauser local municipality. The assignment was completed on 31 August 2004.

Friday has established a multi-discipline consulting team in order to assist the Ministry of Local Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho to implement the human resources management strategy developed earlier by Friday. The project entailed the establishment of a framework for the deployment of public service officers to local government institutions as corporate management and administrative support staff as well as functionaries managing and operating specific public services that will be transferred to local authorities. It further requires the establishment of a Local Government Service Commission, a Local Government Service and a Local Government Service Tribunal. In addition the consulting team is required to develop learning material and present training to the new management and administrative staff of the local authorities that are to be established.

In order for the Government of Lesotho to realise its vision of decentralisation and better service delivery it intends establishing local government throughout the Kingdom. An important part of the process is ensuring that there is an appropriate legal framework for local government. Friday has won the contract to review and, where necessary, to rewrite the existing local government law and to develop regulations in terms of the law.

Friday has developed a draft policy to regulate the allocation and payment of donations and grants for Motheo District Municipality (Free State).

The Member of the Executive Council of the Eastern Cape Province responsible for local government intervened in the affairs of the Qaukeni Local Municipality in December 2003 after a long drawn political dispute that had rendered the municipality incapable of fulfilling its constitutional obligations by appointing an Administrator to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the municipality. A strategic support team has also been constituted to provide advisory support to the Administrator. On the advice of the strategic support team the Administrator identified four strategic pillars which are essential for the objectives of the intervention on hold. These strategic areas of focus are the review of the Integrated Development Plan, the redesign of the organisation to respond to the IDP as well as the powers and functions of the municipality, the implementation of information and communications technology systems to enhance the administrative functioning of the municipality and the implementation of mentorship and project management programmes, biased towards the finance department to ensure that certain critical financial functions are carried out. Friday was appointed to redesign of the organisation of the municipality's administration. Friday 's proposals in this regard have been accepted and are being implemented.

Friday developed a strategy and plan for the transfer of employees, assets, records and liabilities related to the provision of environmental health services from local municipalities and the provincial administration of the Free State to Xhariep District Municipality. The Municipality became responsible for the provision of environmental health services as from 1 July 2004.

One of Friday 's consultants formed part of a consulting team managed by the Human Sciences Research Council regarding the assignment of Schedule 4A and 5A functions of the national and provincial governments to local government. The project entailed the identification of national and provincial functions and aspects thereof that could be decentralised and devolved to municipalities in South Africa.

Friday has developed a comprehensive human resources management strategy for local government in Lesotho. The strategy deals with the identification, secondment and training of public service officials to local authorities that will be established towards the end of 2004, as well as the establishment of the Local Government Service Commission, the Local Government Service and the Local Government Service tribunal, the development of local government human resources management policy and conditions of service, and organisational development of local authorities.

Friday , in collaboration with L K John Consulting, redesigned the United Nations Development Programme's Capacity Building for Local Governance Programme project support document which is designed to build the capacity of local, provincial and national government to fulfil the State's development mandate . The programme addresses issues of national, provincial and local government capacity building in the North West and Limpopo provinces. The reformulated project support document has been accepted by the UNDP and the Department of Provincial and Local Government.

Friday has been appointed by the Ministry of Local Government of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho to rewrite the existing local government legislation of the country and to develop regulations to regulate various matters relating to local government. Some of the amendments include the writing of proposed statutory provisions relating to intergovernmental relations and institutional arrangements for local government.

//Khara Hais local municipality (Northern Cape) appointed Friday to investigate anomalies in the remuneration of managers and other fixed term employees of the municipality and to make recommendations, including policy recommendations on the matter. We were also appointed by Greater Tzaneen local municipality (Limpopo) to develop a management remuneration policy and salary structure for the municipality.

We have completed an assignment on supplying corporate services support and mentoring, with Deloitte, to uMhlabuyalingana and Jozini local municipalities. The project entailed the development of registry and archiving systems, mentoring of the Chief Financial Officer and human resources management assistance.

Friday has completed an assignment funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GtZ), under contract for RUICON Consulting, to implement the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho's vision of decentralisation. The project entailed a review of the local government law of Lesotho.

Friday developed and implemented performance management policies and performance management systems in a number of municipalities, including –

Free State

Northern Cape


Eastern Cape

Ø Setsoto

Ø Mantsopa

Ø Tswelopele

Ø Motheo

Ø Kopanong

Ø Naledi

ü //Khara Hais

ü Mier

ü Kai !Garib

ü Kgatelopele

ü Tsantsabane

ü Siyanda

§ Utrecht

§ Amajuba

· Maletswai

We have also assisted the following municipalities to prepare annual performance agreements with their municipal managers and managers directly accountable to the municipal manager:


Financial year


Financial year













Fezile Dabi




























//Khara Hais




Kai !Garib













Friday provided implementation support for the implementation of their performance management system, the monitoring of performance, establishing and validating baseline data and conducting performance measurements and preparing performance reports for the following municipalities –

· Amajuba

· Kai !Garib

· Naledi

· Maluti-a-Phofung

· Utrecht

· Mier

· Kai !Garib

· Tswelopele

· Setsoto

· Kopanong

Friday 's consultants established financial systems, prepared financial statements, wrote draft financial management policies and compiled asset registers and cash flow projections for the municipalities of –

· Jagersfontein

· Fauresmith

· Clocolan

· Arlington

· Kroonstad

· Hobhouse

· Reitz

· Hendrina

· Amajuba

Friday developed various financial management policies for the municipalities of –

§ Kopanong

§ Nala

§ Mantsopa

§ Letsemeng

§ Setsoto

§ Xhariep

§ Amajuba

§ Gariep

§ Pixley Ka Seme

§ Fezile Dabi

§ Govan Mbeki

Friday has also developed an internal audit charter and rules for the audit committee of Amajuba District Municipality.

Friday developed human resources management policies and standard human resources management operating procedures for –

· Ntabankulu Local Municipality

· O R Tambo District Municipality

· Xhariep District Municipality

· Kai !Garib Local Municipality

· Setsoto Local Municipality

· Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality

· Lejweleputswa District Municipality

· Okhahlamba Local Municipality

· Tswelopele Local Municipality

We have developed a system for tracking progress with the execution of council resolutions for Sisonke District Municipality (KwaZulu-Natal) as well as redesigning the organisational structure of the municipality's administration.

Our consultants have investigated and prosecuted alleged misconduct and presided during disciplinary enquiries and appeal proceedings in a number of municipalities, including –

ð Sekhukhune (Limpopo)

ð Kai !Garib (Northern Cape)

ð Emthanjeni (Northern Cape)

ð Maluti-a-Phofung (Free State)

ð Dihlabeng (Free State)

ð Kopanong (Free State)

ð Gariep (Eastern Cape)

ð Dannhauser (KwaZulu-Natal)

ð Mohokare (Free State)

ð Mantsopa (Free State)

ð Setsoto (Free State)

ð Maletswai (Eastern Cape)

ð Amajuba (KwaZulu-Natal)

ð Naledi (Free State)

ð Tokologo (Free State)

ð Nketoana (Free State)

ð Blue Crane Route (Eastern Cape)

ð Motheo (Free State)

ð Dannhauser (KwaZulu-Natal)

ð Naledi (North West)


In summary, our clients include:


· Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho (Ministry of Local Government)

· United Nations Development Programme (undp)

· Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GtZ)

National and Provincial Government

® Department of Provincial and Local Government

® Municipal Demarcation Board

® uMsekeli Municipal Support Services

® Free State Department of Agriculture

® Whippery, Free State Provincial Legislature

® KwaZulu-Natal Department of Traditional Affairs and Local Government

® Free State Provincial Legislature

® Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

District municipalities

Free State

Northern Cape

Eastern Cape



Thabo Mofutsanyana




Fezile Dabi


O R Tambo






Gert Sibande

Local municipalities

Free State

N Cape

E Cape
















North West

Matlosana City

Naledi North West

Kai !Garib

//Khara Hais









Blue Crane Route








Amajuba DM

Umzinyati DM

Pixley Ka Seme


Govan Mbeki

Greater Tzaneen

Delivering on time, every time

C C Management Solutions Pty Ltd
